Insurance Gap Analysis
Client Portfolio Analysis
Each client's life insurance portfolio is evaluated in depth for performance and for risks and opportunities that have developed over time. Life insurance assets need to be analyzed just like any other asset and should be reviewed for changes in tax rates, product innovation, estate growth, the sale of a company, and the birth of grandchildren. For example, planning for the generation-skipping tax (GST) can allow you to transfer assets to your grandchildren without the assets being subjected to the GST upon the death of your children.*
Proactive Plan
A client's portfolio analysis is developed into a proactive plan to improve performance efficiency and mitigate risk. The plan is created in conjunction with a client's needs and goals to ensure that the portfolio contains the appropriate products and is well-suited to managing risk and achieving the intended results.
* Neither Legacy Resources Insurance Services, Inc., nor its agents, provide tax, legal, or accounting advice. Please consult your tax, legal, or accounting professional before making any decisions.